(the event below has passed)
6 week interactive online 1940's Pinup workshop

- Seen & Heard - the first 8 participants to sign up for our workshop will get to interact LIVE on camera, via Google+
- 'V' is for Victory - You too can manage a Victory Roll do, and we'll show you how! We'll also talk about the tricks & techniques of achieving the flawless 40's face
- Poise & Pose - Learn how to show off your assets for the camera in preparation of our photoshoot at our On the Double mystery event
- Sing it Sister - Big band music was a big boost do our boys in blue. Join in a boogie woogie sing-along... for the boys
- Fraternize - You'll have the opportunity to get to know your siren sisters prior to our getaway together. This will enrich your experience immeasurably
$30 Registration for this class closes Sept 23 at 5pm PDT